How Much Fat Will I Lose from Liposuction? How to Maximize Results By Joseph M. Brown, MD, FACS on January 22, 2024

A woman in athletic wear standing with her arms crossed

Liposuction is often misrepresented as a comprehensive weight loss solution. This is not the case. The truth is, liposuction offers incredible body contouring benefits but the amount of pounds that it can remove are limited.

Below you can find out how much fat you can lose from liposuction. During a consultation with Dr. Joseph M. Brown in Tampa, FL, he can answer other questions you may have about this fat removal procedure.

How Much Fat Can You Lose?

The Food and Drug Administration recommends that surgeons limit the amount of weight they remove with liposuction to 11 pounds. While this is the ceiling of what should be removed, many patients will not have even close to this amount of weight removed. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that most liposuction patients lose 5 pounds total.

You Should Be Within Your Ideal Weight

Another key point to know about liposuction is that you should be within about 30% of your ideal weight range to receive this procedure. This again reinforces the idea that liposuction is not designed to help obese patients shed a significant amount of pounds. Instead, the purpose of the procedure is to eliminate stubborn fat deposits in specific areas. All this isn’t to say that liposuction’s results are not significant. In fact, when surgeons take an artistic approach in sculpting the body with this procedure, the results can be very noticeable.

Results Should Be Permanent

Once our plastic surgeon removes fat cells from your body, they will not grow back on their own. As long as a liposuction patient’s calorie intake remains at a healthy, sustainable level, they should be able to enjoy the benefits of their liposuction for years to come.

Maximizing Results

Immediately after your surgery, there are various steps you can take to optimize your liposuction results. You should wear the compression garment we provide as instructed and rest for a few days. As your body recovers, you should begin engaging in very light exercise, like relaxing walks, to ensure ideal blood circulation.

Once you are fully recovered, maintaining a daily regimen of moderate exercise will help you remain at your new weight. There are also some simple dietary decisions you can make to maximize your results. For example, you should eat as much lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables as possible while limiting sugars, saturated fats, and simple carbohydrates.

Our Various Techniques

Our surgical team offers a variety of advanced liposuction methods that we employ on a case-by-case basis to personalize care to each patient. Our SAFE liposuction method is ideal for enhancing body contours through the procedure. We also offer ultrasound-assisted liposuction to loosen and melt thigh and stomach fat as necessary. We also offer VASER liposuction to provide extremely targeted fat removal that allows patients who are near their ideal weight to reach it. Regardless of your liposuction needs, we offer a cutting-edge technique that can eliminate weight while enhancing your figure.

Contact Our Practice

If you want to receive body-sculpting liposuction, contact our practice in the Tampa-area today. You can meet with one of the surgeons at SynergyMD Plastic Surgery to find out your best course of treatment.

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Dr. Joseph Brown

Plastic Surgery

A board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Joseph M. Brown strives to provide patients with transformative yet natural results in a safe and comfortable environment. He is affiliated with organizations such as the:

  • American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
  • Florida Medical Association
  • American Medical Association
  • American College of Surgeons

To get started, request an appointment using our form or call (813) 258-2425.

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