Reasons Why You May Want To Undergo Cosmetic Surgery By Joseph M. Brown, MD, FACS on April 22, 2019

Cosmetic surgery was once a foreign subject to most. However, as time has passed, it has become part of our cultural lexicon. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the statistics for those in the United States has been steadily growing to 200% from 2000 to 2017. In 2017 alone, 17.5 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the United States. Cosmetic surgery is now widely available to all, instead of reserved for actors, models, and celebrities. There is a multitude of reasons why one might want to undergo cosmetic surgery in Tampa, and Tampa Aesthetic is here to help you with your decision.

Give us a call today to schedule a consultation and learn more about cosmetic surgery in Tampa.

Aesthetic reasons you may want cosmetic surgery

The top three procedures in 2017 were breast augmentation, liposuction, and nose reshaping. The thing that these all have in common is that they deal with a person’s physical shape and structure. Ultimately, many will undergo cosmetic surgery to improve an area of their body that they see as flawed. Although there are many psychological debates about whether or not this is healthy, it ultimately comes down to whom are you doing this for. Are you deciding to undergo the surgery because it is what you want, or to appease others?

Cosmetic surgery has been on the rise for the past two decades because it has become more affordable and approachable. We see our favorite celebrities utilizing cosmetic surgery with enticing results. As it becomes more accessible for everyone, more and more people are taking advantage of it as well.

Be careful not to rely on your appearance for your happiness. But also remember, improving areas that you view as flawed will help boost your self-confidence. Just make sure you are aware of the differences between self-confidence and self-esteem. Also, remain realistic about the outcome of the surgery and how it will really affect your life. Contact Tampa Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, to learn if aesthetic cosmetic surgery is right for you.

Professional reasons you may want cosmetic surgery

For those who are in a career that relies heavily on their appearance, such as a model or actor, cosmetic surgery is a great way to keep yourself above the competition. Things such as an injury or childbirth can wreak havoc on the body. If you rely on your appearance for your job, lost time is lost money. In these instances, choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery is a great way to speed up the process.

Medical reasons you may want cosmetic surgery

Many choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to improve their quality of life and become healthier. Liposuction is not only used to get ready for beach season. It is a pivotal decision for many to begin their weight loss journey and make healthier choices to lose weight. Some people have many ailments due to obesity, and utilizing cosmetic surgery is a way to get their body to a point of living a healthy life.

Others elect to undergo cosmetic surgery to fix something that illness has taken away from them. People who have had a mastectomy can use breast reconstruction surgery to great effect. Whether it’s due to complications from childbirth or a devastating accident, cosmetic surgery can work wonders to rebuild and restructure sufferers.

Cosmetic Surgery in Tampa

Whatever the reason you want to undergo cosmetic surgery, be sure that you have knowledgeable surgeons backing you up. Tampa Aesthetic strives to bring excellence and is an amazing place to start your journey.

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Dr. Joseph Brown

Plastic Surgery

A board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Joseph M. Brown strives to provide patients with transformative yet natural results in a safe and comfortable environment. He is affiliated with organizations such as the:

  • American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
  • Florida Medical Association
  • American Medical Association
  • American College of Surgeons

To get started, request an appointment using our form or call (813) 258-2425.

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