SynergyMD Plastic Surgery

Facelift vs. BOTOX Injections: Which Procedure Is Right for Me?

Jul 1, 2024 @ 01:22 PM — by Joseph M. Brown, MD, FACS
Tagged with: Facelift Vs Botox

Wrinkles. Laugh lines. Sagging skin. Lost volume. If you’re looking to address these common concerns, you may be considering a facelift or BOTOX®—but which procedure is right for you?

We offer both BOTOX® Cosmetic and facelifts at SynergyMD Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL. These treatments offer relatively similar benefits, but the differences in how they’re performed, how long they last, and average treatment costs mean that one is often a better option than the other for each individual patient. We will be able to make a personalized recommendation during a consultation at our Tampa plastic surgery office, but in the meantime, here are some important differences to consider:

A facelift may be better for you if:

You primarily want to address sagging skin and facial muscles

During a facelift, I remove small portions of excess skin and facial fat to create a more youthful appearance. I also tighten the underlying layer of muscle and tissue to combat lost volume and ensure a natural look. This is a more intensive treatment than BOTOX. If you’re looking for help with very deep wrinkles or severely loosened skin, you’ll likely find much better results through surgery than a non-invasive option.

Your concerns are focused in the mid or lower face

Facelifts can rejuvenate sagging cheeks, deep corner mouth creases, loose jowls, and additional issues that concern the middle and lower portions of your face, but not the neck, eyes, brows, or other areas. I can combine a facelift with a neck lift or a brow lift during one surgical session for more comprehensive results, but it’s important to remember that they are individual procedures and charged as such.

You want the longest-lasting results from treatment

A facelift is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia and some downtime for recovery. Though not permanent, it’s one of the longest-lasting cosmetic treatments you can receive. Many patients enjoy their results for 10 years or even longer, and you can receive a touch-up when needed to prolong your outcome. Some patients prefer the idea of paying one larger fee for a surgical solution rather than spreading out costs over time, as with a BOTOX regimen.

BOTOX may be better for you if:

You primarily want to address facial wrinkles

BOTOX is a muscle-relaxing agent that prevents facial muscles from contracting, thereby smoothing wrinkles and preventing their future formation. It can create the appearance of tighter skin, but no excess skin or fat is actually removed, as with a facelift. Excessively loose skin or jowls are better addressed through facelift surgery.

You have small areas of concern throughout the face

BOTOX improves individual cosmetic issues through targeted treatment rather than a comprehensive change, but it can address more areas of the face than a traditional facelift. Say you want help for a deep forehead wrinkle, drooping eyebrows, and marionette lines all at once, BOTOX is most likely a better option for you than facelift surgery.

You want to see results without surgery

BOTOX is not a surgical treatment. It’s an injectable solution administered in-office, often in as little as one hour or less. The BOTOX solution will dissolve over time, so you can expect to enjoy full results for about three months at a time. Most BOTOX patients come in for touch-ups every three to six months. Depending on your specific goals for long-term enhancement, a BOTOX regimen can be more cost-effective than a facelift.

Can I Get BOTOX After a Facelift?

Yes, you absolutely can. I regularly perform BOTOX treatments for patients who have previously undergone facelifts and other forms of facial plastic surgery. These touch-ups can keep you looking as refreshed and rejuvenated as you like in areas not addressed during surgery. We even can begin a BOTOX regimen as soon as your facelift recovery is complete.

Let’s Make Your Goals a Reality

No matter which cosmetic concerns you bring to your consultation at SynergyMD Plastic Surgery, we can find the ideal solution to address them. Book today by contacting us online or giving our plastic surgeon’s office in Tampa, FL, a call. We look forward to working with you!