SynergyMD Plastic Surgery

Getting Ready for Your Tummy Tuck

Jul 13, 2022 @ 08:15 AM — by Joseph M. Brown, MD, FACS
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Tummy Tuck Tummy Tuck Faqs Tummy Tuck Guide Tummy Tuck Preparation

A tummy tuck is a great option if you’re looking for a dramatic change in your overall appearance. This procedure can be paired with liposuction to remove excess fat, remove excess skin, and re-contour the shape of your abdomen for a more flattering appearance. Let's look at getting ready for your tummy tuck.

Getting Ready for Your Tummy Tuck

With that said, a tummy tuck is a major surgical operation with an extended recovery process. Before you get a tummy tuck in Tampa your board-certified plastic surgeon will want to ensure that you’re a good candidate for the procedure and that your risk factors are effectively minimized.

These are the most common steps you will likely have to take in order to get ready for your tummy tuck.

A Physical

An abdominoplasty (the medical term for a tummy tuck) is a significant procedure with the same risks as any major surgery. In order to make sure that getting plastic surgery in Tampa is safe for you, your surgeon will likely ask you to undergo a basic physical prior to moving forward with the procedure.

During a physical, you can expect your doctor to check basic levels like heart function, blood pressure, and breath sounds. Generally, this is just a precaution to check for anomalies that could increase the risks associated with surgery.


A basic blood panel is another common precaution that plastic surgeons take to rule out potential complications. These panels usually check for signs of infection or stress in the body that could indicate a larger problem.

Medication Adjustments

Are you not on any regular medications? Then it is unlikely that you will be asked to make any adjustments. The exception may be if you have a risk factor requiring you to take a specific medication before surgery.

Other medication adjustments may be required. Specifically, if you’re on a medication that could increase your risk of bleeding or slow the overall healing process. In a similar vein, you will be counseled to avoid medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatories, and some herbal remedies that could increase your risk of excessive bleeding.

Smoking Cessation

If you smoke, then your plastic surgeon will ask you to refrain from smoking in the weeks leading up to and following surgery. It isn’t an idle request.

Smoking reduces the oxygenation of your blood. This can severely impact your ability to heal. In most cases, surgeons will request that you stop smoking about 6 weeks before surgery all the way through the end of your recovery process.

Are you struggling with an addiction to smoking. Then ask to be directed towards resources that can help you avoid the habit during this crucial window.


A tummy tuck is usually performed under general anesthesia with very few exceptions. As a result, you will likely be required to fast for a number of hours prior to your scheduled procedure.

While fasting can be annoying, it is also necessary to your safety. Ignoring the instructions provided by your doctor could cause you to aspirate during surgery, which can be extremely dangerous.

Making Plans for Recovery

Before surgery, you will want to ensure that you are set for recovery. You will need someone to drive you home from the hospital. You will also need some assistance at home for at least a few days.

In order to flesh out a more personalized plan, discuss your recovery with your doctor in the weeks leading up to surgery. By arranging for things like prepared meals, childcare, pet care, and cleaning services you can ensure that you have the support you need when you get home.