SynergyMD Plastic Surgery

How Your Body Changes During Pregnancy And What You Can Do

Nov 19, 2021 @ 06:41 AM — by Joseph M. Brown, MD, FACS
Tagged with: Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Procedures

Physically growing a brand new human inside of your body has to be one of the craziest things a person can do, but it takes a toll. Every single system has to adapt to accommodate the needs of the little being developing in your uterus. You may know to expect some of these changes like a growing belly, random cravings, and consistently swollen feet, but other changes aren’t as frequently discussed. Let's look at how your body changes during pregnancy.

How Your Body Changes During Pregnancy And What You Can Do

Let’s take a look at them and discuss what Tampa plastic surgery can do to help you get back on your feet.

Hormonal Changes

When a person becomes pregnant there is a sudden increase in the production of estrogen and progesterone. Together, these hormones improve your ability to form new blood vessels, help the fetus to develop, and loosen your ligaments while helping the uterus to expand.

Weight Gain and Fluid Retention

Of course, you will experience weight gain as a natural part of pregnancy if you’re within a healthy weight range when you become pregnant. An unfortunate side effect of that weight gain is fluid retention, especially in the legs as a result of slowed circulation.

Sensory Changes

Sensory changes vary between individuals, but there are some patterns. Pregnant women have a tendency to experience higher intraocular pressures, which may cause increased nearsightedness or blurry vision for the duration of their pregnancy. Evidence also suggests that pregnancy may decrease the intensity of taste during the first trimester while increasing the intensity of smell.

Breast Expansion

Pregnant women tend to experience the first changes to their breasts early in the first trimester. Over the course of the pregnancy, it isn’t uncommon for the breasts to increase two cup sizes, resulting in stretch marks. In addition to expansion of the body of the breast, the areola tends to widen and become darker. During the second trimester, your breasts will likely start to produce colostrum in preparation for Baby’s arrival.

Hair, Skin, and Nails

The sudden onslaught of pregnancy hormones can wreak havoc on your body’s normal patterns. As a result, many people experience dramatic changes in hair and nail growth. Sometimes it results in undesirable growth or loss, and sometimes it’s the exact opposite. Of course, you’re also going to see changes to your skin, including stretch marks on your belly, breasts, and sometimes your legs.

Circulatory Changes

By your second trimester, Baby is forcing your heart to work 30-50% harder. Your heart rate and your blood volume will progressively increase through the end of the third trimester. This works to meet your future child’s developmental and nutritional needs. This means you may get winded a little more easily, and you may experience dizziness if you change positions too quickly or are lying flat on your back after the 24-week mark.

Considering Your Pregnant Body

In truth, this is just a small percentage of what pregnancy does to your body. And some of it may surprise you along the way. The important thing to keep in mind is that you are still an individual deserving of love and happiness even after the baby is born. They can be your whole world, but you still need to love yourself in order to teach them about self-love. If you’re struggling with your postpartum body six months to a year after giving birth, then consider doing something to renew your sense of self.

Getting a mommy makeover in Tampa is an essential first step for many women who want to see themselves as women and not just as mothers. With the help of your board-certified plastic surgeon, you can choose from a number of procedures to help restore your postpartum body. With the right plan, you can feel more like the body you loved before having your baby. This may include a breast lift, a tummy tuck, liposuction, or any other number of combinations. The point is to give you the confidence to be the person you want to be for yourself and your child.